Get The Training Program Developed By The Top Strength & Conditioning Coach In The US To Help Your Athlete Reach Their Full Potential...Created Specifically For Youth Athletes!
An Athletic Development & Sports Performance Training Program for Youth Athletes with Coach Mike Boyle
Dear Parents,
Youth sports do not look like they used to. The world of youth athletics has become unbelievably competitive.
In fact, TIME Magazine recently reported that youth sports has become a $15.3 Billion industry.
Over $4 Billion a year are spent on personalized training and coaching for young athletes in the United States alone.
This shows the huge emphasis people have put on today’s youth athletes and their performance in their sports.
Youth sports have changed from being a fun pastime to an ultra-competitive enterprise. Well-intentioned parents and coaches shift their focus to wins and trophies at the expense of fun and development.
Professional sports success and NCAA scholarship awards are parents' dreams...pushed by these youth sport enterprises.
NCAA schools now hand out $3 billion in scholarships a year. And even though only 2% of high school athletes go on to play Division I college sports, it hasn't stopped coaches and parents pushing these youth athletes, no matter what their age, toward that goal.
Parents are being made to feel like they need to have their child 'keep up with' every other youth athlete, so their child doesn't get left behind. Club sport and travel sport coaches are pushing the need for every kid to have to play year round in order to have a chance to get a scholarship.
This is what leads to early sports specialization.
"Although 88% of NCAA Division I athletes played an average of 2 to 3 sports prior, parents and athletes are being led to believe that children must focus only on one sport in order to succeed."
Youth strength training and models of athletic development have become hot topics thanks in part to this shift. This has caused a growing interest in long-term athletic development for youth athletes.
Appropriate exercise selection is also crucial for those young athletes who are often physically underprepared to tolerate the demands of sports.
These high volumes of competition with an absence of preparatory conditioning is causing risk of overuse injuries and burnout. This then leads kids to leave sports at an early age. With this model,
many young athletes, like late maturing kids for example, are not even given the opportunity to reach their potential due to lack of playing time early on.
The facts about early sports specialization that many parents, coaches and organizations don’t know can significantly affect a child’s sports experience. For example, researchers from numerous scientific studies have found that young athletes who participated in their primary sport for more than 8 months in a year were more likely to have overuse injuries.
In order for strength and conditioning professionals to help all youth athletes achieve their full potential, we must develop safe, effective, and balanced programming for them to thrive.
It is important to understand what is happening in youth sports and see what changes need to be made in the current atmosphere to enable more youth athletes to succeed.
So, What Can We Do As Parents?
First, understand that not all sports programs have the child's development as their main priority.
Next, we must educate ourselves. Find out what is happening in the youth sports industry. Discover what is fact and what is fiction from all of these hot topics, and get the real applicable science in youth athletic training so that we can develop the 'complete' athlete for the long term.
Educating the parents of young athletes is crucial, as they are the ones who ultimately decide what is best for their child.
Finally, having youth athletes following the ideal training program to work on their strength, flexibility, core, speed, power, and conditioning - for total athletic development. Proper training will not only improve their performance, but also reduce the risk of injuries from the stress that sports puts on their bodies.
This is why we created this new program called 'Complete Youth Training'. We wanted to clear up youth training & development so that you can provide youth athletes the best possible experience. It is a true long term athletic development (LTAD) training program!
Introducing... Complete Youth Training
With Complete Youth Training, Sports Performance Expert, Coach Mike Boyle, takes you through the latest research and proven protocols to use when training kids in youth sports today. With over thirty years of experience working with all levels and abilities from professional and elite athletes to youth athletes and beginners, Mike Boyle explains and demonstrates how to properly execute a youth training regimen for kids that works for kids.
One of the main goals of Complete Youth Training is to educate parents and coaches on both the correct ways to train youth athletes as well as to highlight the training methods currently being used that may be detrimental to youth athletes. All youth training methods and principles discussed and demonstrated in Complete Youth Training are backed by a multitude of scientific research.
The unfortunate reality of many youth training programs today is that they are not appropriate for youth athletes and may in fact be harming their development both as an athlete and as a kid. Societal pressures influence well-intentioned parents to make decisions for their young athletes that may not be in their best interest. Complete Youth Training addresses some of these unfortunate and commonly used training methods.
Complete Youth Training
Complete Youth Training was designed to make a parent or youth coach think about what they are doing from a youth training perspective. Coaches will be able to provide a better training experience for their youth athletes. Coaches will be able to design correct youth training programs with sound scientifically backed principles that emphasize injury reduction with the goal of improved performance and happy kids.
Complete Youth Training is designed to help both coaches and parents to be able to provide an effective training program for their kids.
Who Is Complete Youth Training For?
Sports Performance Coaches, Strength Coaches and Personal Trainers
With the amount of hours each season, a youth athlete is in each of their sports, it gets harder to actually train these athletes. Complete Youth Training gives you the information to help educate the athletes' parents, to help guide them to what proper training for their kids should look like, and it gives you the science and training application (from warm-up, to speed training to strength training) to provide a great training experience for these youth athletes.
Sports Coaches
We seem to lose the true essence of what youth sports are all about. Youth athletes are being pulled in every direction. Getting a better perspective on what is going on in the youth sports industry as a whole and seeing how that relates to your particular sport will give you, the sport coach, a better understanding of what your athletes need. It will help your team get better and will give you the tools to relate this information back to your athletes' parents for an even bigger 'buy-in' knowing that you have their child's best interest at heart.
Parents truly want to do what is best for their child...BUT...they are being fed so much false data and anecdotal stories that it is tough for the parent to make an informed decision. Once the parent has the research (both science and practical) they will be able to feel confident on the direction their child should take.
This Course Contains
- What is happening in today's youth sports industry
- Early Specialization
- When should kids lift?
- Research & Programming
- Playing Year Round Sports
- Our Biggest Youth Sport Problems
- Early Succeeders vs Late Bloomers
- (Age Specific) Training Stages
- Strength & Conditioning Training Plan
Be Able To Navigate Through Youth Sports And Long Term Athletic Training With This Youth Development Roadmap
Get a Deeper Understanding of the WHAT, WHEN, WHY and HOW of Youth Sports Performance
Complete Youth Training was designed to really make you think about what we are doing in youth sports and youth development, to hopefully make you question some of the processes we as an industry currently utilize, and ideally to inspire change. Coaches will be able to provide a better training experience for their athletes and parents will be more informed to make educated decisions so that their youth athlete can reach their full potential.
Youth Training Expert Mike Boyle

Michael Boyle is known internationally for his pioneering work in the field of Strength & Conditioning and is regarded as one of the top experts in the area for Sports Performance Training.
He is the owner of Mike Boyle Strength & Conditioning (MBSC) one of the first for-profit strength and conditioning companies in the world. Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning exists for one reason: to provide performance enhancement training for athletes of all levels. Athletes trained range from junior high school students to All Stars in almost every major professional sport, training thousands of athletes of all levels. Coach Boyle has made his mark on the industry over the past 35 years with an impressive following of professional athletes, from the US Women’s Olympic teams in Soccer and Ice Hockey to the Boston Bruins, Boston Breakers, New England Revolution, and most recently the Boston Red Sox.
Michael served as the Head Strength and Conditioning Coach at Boston University for 15 years, also for the past 25 years he been the Strength and Conditioning Coach for Men’s Ice Hockey at Boston University. Mike also was the Boston Red Sox Strength & Conditioning Coach in 2013 that won the World Series. In addition to his duties at Boston University and the Red Sox, from 1991-1999 Boyle served as the Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Boston Bruins (Stanley Cup Champions) of the National Hockey League. Michael was also the Strength and Conditioning Coach for the 1998 US Women’s Olympic Ice Hockey Team, Gold Medalists in Nagano and 2014 Silver medalists in Sochi, and served as a consultant in the development of the USA Hockey National Team Development Program in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He has coached World Champions, National Champions and Olympic Medalists in…Football, Basketball, Baseball, Soccer, Ice Hockey, Rowing, Judo, and Gymnastics.
His client list over the years reads like a "Who’s Who" of athletic success in New England and across the country including legendary names such as Kayla Treanor, Nomar Garciaparra, Cam Neely, Mia Hamm, Joe Thornton, Rich Hill, Patrick Chung, Ray Bourque, and many more!
His former assistants, students, former players, and interns are sprinkled across the collegiate and professional ranks with teams like the Miami Dolphins, San Jose Sharks, Atlanta Falcons, Buffalo Bills, Anaheim Ducks, and Boston Celtics.
In short – when the best coaches and organizations in the sports world want proven, research backed information – Coach Boyle is their trusted resource.

Complete Youth Training is over 3 hours completely dedicated to developing the overall youth athlete while helping parents and coaches navigate (with confidence) today's youth sports.

Here's just a sampling of what is covered in the Complete Youth Training program:
- The real purpose of youth sports and training
- Risks of early specialization
- The unfortunate emphasis on competition/games and winning
- What to do about ‘early succeeders’
- Lack of parent education and how to address it
- Importance of fun and free play for children
- The incorrect comparisons made between children and adults when it comes to youth training
- Importance of failure for youth athletes
- The Relative Age Effect
- Long Term Athletic Development Model
- Peak Height Velocity
- What the 10,000 Hour Rule actually means for youth training
- (Mis)information on youth athletes weight lifting
- Appropriate strength training and programming for youth athletes
- When to start weight lifting for youth athletes
- Importance of healthy nutrition for youth athletes
- Differences in training youth athletes vs. older or elite athletes
Complete Youth Training is broken down into these comprehensive modules:
Youth Strength & Conditioning Training Program
The Exact Youth Training System The Mike Boyle Uses For His Athletes! Training Videos
Exercise Demonstration Videos
Video library of all the strength and conditioning videos needed for the program - Exercises for Warm-Up, Power Development, Speed Training, and Strength Training. Motor Skills Training, Strength, Movement Efficiency, Foundational Movement Patterns, Strength, Agility, Power, Explosiveness
Complete Youth Training Presentation
- 2.5 hours of Video Presentation
Coach Boyle takes you through the latest research and proven protocols to use when training kids in youth sports today. Coach Boyle explains how to properly execute a youth training regimen while educating parents and coaches on the correct ways to train youth athletes. This presentation also highlights the training methods currently being used that may be detrimental to youth athletes. All youth training methods and principles discussed and demonstrated are backed by a multitude of scientific research.
Complete Youth Training Manual -
192 Page Youth Athletic Development Manual
Slide deck of the Complete Youth Training PowerPoint presentation.
Youth Training Programs - Warm-Up, Speed, Strength, Conditioning Programs
Print out youth training programs – Actual training programs used by Coach Boyle and his youth athletes.
Youth Training Resources
Information and research pertaining to particular ‘hot topics’ in youth training written by Coach Boyle
Take Action Now!
You Have Nothing To Lose With Our Personal Guarantee
Simply put, if for any reason you are NOT entirely satisfied with Complete Youth Training and the results you achieve from it, just contact me and I'll immediately refund your investment. It's that simple.
For each and every person who orders, we're going to extend our Iron-Clad, 60-Day 100% Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee.
We stand behind this program and the fact that it is the best of its kind in our industry, but if for some strange reason, it doesn't yield those results for you, you get your money back. No hassles, no hoops to jump through, just a prompt, courteous refund.
This Is What REAL Long Term Athletic Development Should Look Like
Complete Youth Training will clear up youth training and development so we can provide youth athletes the best possible experience. You will get the science and research behind it and the real-world experience so that you can start applying the information right away.
I have been passionate about youth training for a long time now, both as a coach and as a parent. With Complete Youth Training, I wanted to emphasize what we are doing well and what we are doing not-so-well as an industry and Coach Boyle does just that.
Hopefully this product will help both coaches and parents to be able to provide a great training experience for their kids. It is an educational course that is a thought provoking look at what we are doing with our kids in youth sports.
Complete Youth Training is going to show you what is going on in the youth sports industry along with give you actionable data and training protocols to help your athletes succeed.
Coach Mike Boyle takes you through his latest methods and proven youth training protocols and breaks down this oftentimes confusing topic.
Complete Youth Training dives deep into the training needs of athletes and lays out the blueprint for developing an optimal complete youth athlete development program.
If you want to get results and navigate through today's youth sports, Complete Youth Training will be your roadmap. Grab your copy of Complete Youth Training today.
Arm yourself with the most up-to-date and complete youth athlete development resource and let's help your athlete reach their full potential!
Discover what types of 'training' kids actually need...
at each age... and how to best deliver that...
with Complete Youth Training